A teacher at the front of a classroom.

Cecil College faculty bring the classroom to life and life to the classroom. Students benefit from relationships with instructors who know them well and provide hands-on opportunities that enrich the learning experience.

Meet the Faculty

See what some of our expert faculty have to say and understand why our students are so successful in the classroom.

J. Andrew Dickenson
Professor of Music/Performing Arts Coordinator

Teaching is something I fell into by a happy accident. After graduating from college, a colleague asked me to substitute for him, and I enjoyed it so much that I continued to pursue additional teaching opportunities. I never thought I would enjoy it as much as I do. It’s extremely rewarding to be in the classroom and to be a part of a student’s development.

I have the opportunity to be involved with most of the music students throughout their entire tenure at Cecil. Over the course of the program, I get to see their progress and growth as both musicians and people. I am constantly inspired by my students. They have a genuine passion for music, and I will often find myself engaged in very sophisticated conversations with them.

Each student at Cecil comes from a different background. They arrive here at various levels and with many different musical interests. In the music world, there is no single road to success, but we can help our students find the path that is right for them.

Veronica Dougherty
Professor of Biology

I've taught at institutions large and small all over the country, including the University of Connecticut, the University of Arizona, and Seton Hall. But I've spent the past 30 years as a biology professor at Cecil College because I like the diversity of students. I have students who are adults returning to the classroom and students who are fresh out of high school. I love what happens when they all come together.

We have small class sizes so we really get to know each other. We joke with one another and everyone helps each other out. I see students go from being unsure and insecure to becoming confident and successful. That's the prize.

I tell students they're just opening the door to their future. I encourage them to continue their studies at a four-year institution. For many, that's the first time they've been told they can succeed in college.

Cecil does provide a very supportive environment for students, from their advisors to the free services we offer, such as our writing and math labs, and peer tutoring.

Cecil truly opens doors and allows students to express themselves and their potential.

Cynthia Horton
Professor of Nursing

I had always loved teaching but couldn't get a full-time physical education job in New Jersey. I started running on a rescue squad and loved it, so I moved back home to enroll at Widener University to become a nurse. I then spent a few years in emergency nursing before coming to Cecil in 1994.

I love coming to work because the faculty and leadership have a genuine care and concern for the students. The small class sizes and personal nature of faculty advisement enable us to provide a level of one-on-one support that most public four-year institutions can't offer. If you feel your needs are not being met, just ask someone for help.

I have stayed at Cecil for a long time because I have always been encouraged to develop myself professionally. There is a very collegial environment in the nursing program, which has grown through the years and does a great job of keeping current, even with the larger colleges.

Candace Vogelsong
Associate Professor of Business

I have been known to say that it would take dynamite to blow me away from teaching at Cecil College. I love the campus, the students and the overall college environment.

I grew up in North East and am amazed with how the college has grown over the years. The infrastructure has been enhanced to the point that it is almost unrecognizable from what I remember it being.

I became a professor because I wanted to inspire students to have a love for business and entrepreneurship like I do. I advise you to take advantage of every opportunity that we have to offer. Cecil College loves its students.

Faculty Recognition Awards

2022–2023 Award Winners

Susan Smith – Teaching
Susan teaches dancing and exercise classes for Life Long Learning, as well as several summer camps. Susan has earned several professional certificates, developed new classes for the College, smoothly transitioned to teaching online and then back again, adjusting to meet student and college needs. She consistently maintains a positive attitude at Cecil College and in the community, truly exemplifying lifelong learning!
Suzanne O' Bryan – Service
Suzanne is often the first contact for potential students when they are considering returning to school. Suzanne has developed and streamlined assessment and enrollment processes to make the process more efficient and welcoming for students. Her cheerful and encouraging demeanor is critical to entering students. Suzanne also developed a PowerPoint presentation about the GED program and GED exam, revising it as need. To her peers she provides training, support and leadership. She is a vital member of the Adult Education Program supporting GED, teaching Math and providing support and guidance to students.
Brandie Biddy – Innovation
Brandie recognized a professional need, initiating and then leading the development of a new degree within the math department: Data Science. With little personal background, Brandie interviewed people in the field, researched other institutions courses, pursued graduate education in the field, and developed not only a degree but a certificate and an introductory course in Data Science. By developing this certificate and degree program, she not only addressed the College’s strategic plan goals, but helped ensure that Cecil students have the most relevant education that supports current best practices and industries in our region.
Kelsey Bianca – Research/Discovery
As Kelsey continues work on her doctoral degree, she submitted three scholarly journal publications, two of which were recently published. She has also completed a book review and frequently presents her work at professional conferences. Kelsey brings her knowledge and skills related to research to the classroom. She provides examples, models the behaviors and has supported several activities and students related to student-led research. She has had several students present at the Scholars Summit, held in collaboration with Harford Community College and had a student submission accepted at the Beacon Scholars Summit. Kelsey is a champion for research, integrating it in the curriculum and modeling it for students.

2021–2022 Award Winners

Melissa Burke – Teaching
Melissa consistently receives praise and positive feedback from her students for very difficult courses. Recognizing that her students are often in their first college level semester, she spends the extra time with students offering support tips and guidance to help them succeed in her classes. Melissa consistently creates new, engaging and innovative activities to engage and assess her students, such as having students create an anatomy and physiology board game.
Adele Foltz – Innovation
Adele recognized the importance of QuickBooks certification for student success in business. To that end she single-handedly revitalized the course content and text, but more importantly created a community of students, supported by various study aides, including model exams, videos and study groups to not only attract students to the course but help them take and pass the certification exam.
Dr. Ashley Fundack – Research/Discovery
Ashley has revitalized the Criminal Justice program here at Cecil College. One of her main goals was to increase student interest in research and as such, had students producing and presenting (award winning) posters at a regional conference. She herself modeled this by presenting research at last year's American Criminological Society conference. Ashley’s work has earned her an invitation to present to the Governor of Maryland on sex offender laws. On campus Ashley is known for her infamous crime scene classes which are designed to stimulate student questions and research.
Dr. Clarence Orsi – Service
Clarence has provided significant service addressing the College's goals of diversity, equity, and inclusion. He has developed and provided training for faculty and staff on LGBTQ+ issues, developed a new course on Gender Studies and serves as advisor to the Seahawk Pride Club.

2020–2021 Award Winners

Richard Koch – Service

Richard Koch has been with the Cecil County paramedic program in one role or another for over twenty-five years. Rick completed the program as a student and went on to obtain his advanced degree to be eligible to teach, becoming lead instructor, and he is currently directing the paramedic program in partnership with the Cecil County Department of Emergency Services. Rick not only has been instrumental in developing and fostering the growth of the paramedic program at Cecil College, but he also oversaw the initial accreditation by Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions (CoAEMSP) of the paramedic program. He has ensured that the program continues to exceed regional expectations and national standards. The paramedic program has had continued approval by the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems (MIEMSS).

Rick has supported the unique collaboration between Cecil College and Cecil County Department of Emergency Services which enhances the paramedic program. Rick has continually implemented innovative strategies to improve the education and increase the number of qualified paramedic students who are eligible for their national registry examination. Upon successful completion of our program, students work in Cecil County and surrounding areas as first responders to provide emergency health services to citizens in the community. He has worked to increase enrollment of eligible candidates through EMS services, improve the paramedic program pass rate, and increase the number of qualified first responders and support the program and College’s mission through work with stakeholders for continuous improvement of the program.

Christine Warwick – Service

During an already challenging year, Christine Warwick, chair of the Science department challenged herself even more, by developing and implementing several new initiatives. In this past year Chris has developed a new concentration within the biology degree – Biomedical science. This concentration will attract students into areas such as laboratory technology as well as pre-med and pre-dental programs. She has worked closely with the Biomedical department at the University of Delaware in forming an articulation into their program. This allows a more students to use Cecil as a stepping stone to a bachelor’s degree.

Chris was also instrumental in the work to create an entirely new degree in the area of Bioproduction, bringing this cutting edge industry to Cecil County. The BIP program required not only extensive work making connections with industry, such as the Jefferson Institute for Bioproduction (JIB) and Aberdeen Proving Ground, but also research with other institutions to purchase the best appropriate instrumentation. With the creation of these programs Chris has also developed articulations with University of Delaware and Thomas Jefferson University and is in the processes of completing an articulation with UMBC.

This willingness to explore different areas of Biology means Chris has made the biology department more attractive to a broader range of students and potentially meets a much wider range of community and industrial needs. By developing multiple pathways for students, she has created opportunities for students to move seamlessly on to higher degrees in their field of interest or to enter fulfilling careers with a two year degree.

Innovation Award

Develops, implements or promotes an innovative technique related to teaching, support or mentoring students, that promotes student success.

Service Award

Supporting the mission and vision of Cecil College in a unique or extensive way, going above and beyond required committee or college community member requirements.

Research/Discovery Award

Conducting a project, research, or activity that contributes to the knowledge/understanding of a specific discipline, the discipline of teaching community college students, or supports the development of a knowledge base in education.

Teaching Award

The application of skills and knowledge in an innovative or particularly enlightening way, creating a supportive and engaging classroom environment that challenges students, while supporting student success.