Cecil College believes that learning is a lifelong process and is acquired in many different ways. In addition to the traditional, in-person classroom setting, learning and mastery of college-level skills and knowledge may occur as a result of other learning or work experiences.

Course Delivery Formats

There are a variety of course delivery types to offer scheduling flexibility including: on campus, off campus, hybrid, online/synchronous, online/asynchronous, and hyflex. For a detailed explanation of each type, please refer to the Course Information page.

Accelerated Studies

For the student who is focused, organized and motivated, accelerated studies may be for you. A selection of courses at Cecil College are offered in a condensed format that may expedite the completion of a degree or certificate.

Quality Matters Certified Courses

Quality Matters (QM) is a nationally recognized, faculty-centered, peer review process designed to certify the quality of online course design and online components. The QM Rubric is used in course reviews that result in continuous improvement and faculty development. Receipt of QM Certification is a significant accomplishment.

Course Number Course Title Year Certified
ART 180 Basic Photography 2016
BUS 231 Management of Human Resources 2016
CIS 101 Introduction to Computer Concepts 2019
EGL 101 College Composition 2017
EGL 211 Technical Writing 2015
HUM 101 Introduction to Critical Inquiry 2021
MAT 121 Pre-Calculus 2014
MUC 122 Music Appreciation 2015
MUC 143 Music Fundamentals 2018
PED 104 Walking for Fun and Fitness 2020
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology 2015

Alternative Pathways to Degrees

Often, students come to Cecil College with previous knowledge, skills, and credentials, which could support the acquisition of a degree or certificate. For a more detailed explanation, please see the Evaluation of Prior Learning section in the college catalog.

Assessment and Portfolio Review

In some instances, course credit may be awarded via a portfolio assessment or department exam. Specific criteria need to be met to take advantage of this opportunity.


Work experience and the application of learned knowledge and skills can be a key component of learning. Cecil College has integrated work experiences, internships and practicums into many of their programs.

Credential Stacking

The ability to build upon prior knowledge, skills and credentials can be critical in career development or the attainment of an educational or career goal. Cecil College supports this concept, creating bridges between non-credit programs and credentials to credit certificates and degrees, or from certificates to degrees.