Cecil College continuing education division receives new name

Published on June 26, 2023

ELKTON, Md. – Cecil College has launched the new name of its career and community education division to more accurately represent the vast array of programs provided and more closely align its identity with fellow continuing education divisions at higher learning institutions in Maryland and beyond. The new name is Continuing Education and Workforce Development, making it more relatable to the public’s perception.

“While we provide education for career advancement and community engagement, we also offer a variety of programs and courses for personal enrichment and lifelong learning. Continuing Education and Workforce Development better encompasses these additional areas,” said Miles Dean, Dean of Continuing Education and Workforce Development.

The new name aligns with other colleges and universities that use similar terminology, making it easier for students and employers to understand what is offered.

“Continuing education” is widely used in education and is often associated with non-degree programs designed to provide additional training and skill development beyond a traditional college degree. Meanwhile, “workforce development” emphasizes Cecil College’s commitment to providing education and training that prepares individuals for the workforce.

The new name, “Continuing Education and Workforce Development,” is widely used, making it more likely that potential students and employers will recognize the scope of Cecil College’s non-credit programs, which include skilled trades training, healthcare careers programs, commercial driver’s license training, and more.

To learn more about the programs offered by Cecil College through Continuing Education and Workforce Development, please visit www.cecil.edu/ConEd, call 410-287-1078, or email info4u@nullcecil.edu.