Student using a laptop outside.

Online Programs

Earn your associate degree or a certificate in a number of business disciplines, all completely online.

Online Courses

The following online courses are available for the semesters specified.

Course Number Course Title Semester(s) Available
ACC 103 Quickbooks Fall, Spring, Summer
ACC 201 Accounting III Fall
ACC 204 Payroll Accounting Spring
ACC 205 Business Spreadsheet Applications Fall
ANT 101 Cultural Anthropology Fall, Spring, Summer
ART 178 Art Appreciation Fall, Spring, Summer
ART 180 Basic Photography Fall, Spring, Summer
AST 103 Principles of Astronomy Fall, Spring, Summer
BIO 101 General Biology Fall, Spring, Summer
BIO 111 General Biology Lab Fall, Spring, Summer
BUS 103 Introduction to Business Fall, Spring, Summer
BUS 108 Principles of Purchasing Fall
BUS 131 Principles of Management Fall, Spring, Summer
BUS 187 Business Ethics Fall, Spring, Summer
BUS 207 Introduction to Public Relations Fall, Spring, Summer
BUS 212 Principles of Marketing Fall, Spring
BUS 216 Organizational Leadership Fall, Spring, Summer
BUS 231 Management of Human Resources Spring, Summer
BUS 242 Advertising Fall
CHM 103 General Chemistry I Fall, Spring
CHM 104 General Chemistry II Fall, Spring
Computer Information Systems
CIS 101 Introduction to Computer Concepts Fall, Spring, Summer
CIS 105 Keyboarding Fall, Spring, Summer
Computer Science
CSC 106 Introduction to Programming Logic Fall
CSC 109 Introduction to Programming Fall, Spring
CSC 110 Ethics in Information Technology Fall, Spring
CSC 130 Introduction to Linux Spring - Odd Year
CSC 140 Introduction to Networking Fall, Spring
CSC 141 Information Security Fundamentals Fall
CSC 154 Windows Client Fall - Even Year
CSC 156 Windows Server Spring - Even Year
CSC 225 Tactical Perimeter Defense Spring
CSC 266 Cisco Certified Netword Associate I Fall
CSC 267 Cisco Certified Netword Associate II Spring - Even Year
ECO 221 Microeconomics Fall, Spring, Summer
ECO 222 Macroeconomics Fall, Spring, Summer
EDU 265 Literacy in the Content Area Part I Fall
EGL 101 College Composition Fall, Spring, Summer
EGL 102 Composition & Literature Fall, Spring, Summer
EGL 211 Technical Writing Fall, Spring, Summer
EQS 137 Horseback Riding Summer
EQS 144 Equine Nutrition and Feeding Fall
EQS 146 HYB Introductory Equine Field Study Summer
EQS 155 HYB Equine Community Service Experiential Learning Spring - Odd Year
Fitness and Wellness
FWS 110 HYB Fundamentals of Personal Training Fall
FWS 135 HYB Physiology of Exercise Spring
FWS 180 HYB Fitness Prescription for Special Populations Spring
GEO 101 Physical Geography Fall, Spring
GEO 102 Cultural Geography Fall, Spring
HEA 130 Healthful Living I Fall, Spring, Summer
HEA 136 Stress Management Fall, Spring, Summer
HEA 173 Human Sexuality Spring
HEA 174 Women's Health Issues Fall, Spring
HCD 120 Medical Terminology Fall
HCD 150 Social Media in the Health Care Setting Fall
HCD 232 Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology Spring
HST 101 Western Civilization I Fall, Spring, Summer
HST 102 Western Civilization II Fall, Spring
HST 135 History of Rock Spring
MAT 127 Introduction to Statistics Fall, Spring, Summer
MUC 122 Music Appreciation Fall, Spring, Summer
MUC 135 History of Rock Spring
MUC 143 Music Fundamentals Fall, Spring, Summer
PHI 101 Walking for Fun and Fitness I Fall, Spring
Physical Education
PED 104 Walking for Fun and Fitness I Fall, Spring, Summer
PED 204 Walking for Fun and Fitness II Spring
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology Fall, Spring, Summer
PSY 201 Z1 Human Growth and Development Fall, Spring, Summer
PSY 203 Z1 Child Growth and Development Fall, Spring, Summer
PSY 207 Z1 Educational Psychology Spring
Public Health
PBH 104 Introduction to Public Health Fall
PBH 110 Introduction to Epidemiology Spring
PBH 120 The US Healthcare System Spring
Social Work
SWK 200 Introduction to Social Work Fall, Spring
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology Fall, Spring, Summer
SOC 102 Social Problems Spring
SOC 103 Marriage and the Family Fall
Transportation & Logistics
TRL 101 Introduction to Logistics Fall, Spring
TRL 107 Supply Chain Management Fall
TRL 130 Production & Operations Management Spring
TRL 230 Product Lifecycle Management Spring
Visual Communications
VCP 244 Web Design II - Development Fall